台灣之旅----宜蘭美食2日遊 《棲蘭森林遊樂區內有先總統 蔣公行館、花木觀賞區、櫻杏桃海步道、森林浴步道、14項有氧運動設施、 結婚西裝小泰山森林遊樂場,來此地更別忘了嚐嚐當地培育養殖的特產猴頭 永慶房屋菇。 》 建議行程路線: 第1天:  礁溪溫泉--> 宜蘭台灣戲劇館    第 個人信貸2天  羅東運動公園-->棲蘭森林遊樂區    行程特色:  宜蘭位居蘭陽平原中心的精華地 酒店經紀帶,河川縱橫提供豐富的灌溉資源,讓居於平原中央的宜蘭擁有肥沃土地與充裕水源,成為一個農產豐饒的魚米之鄉。   房屋出租提起宜蘭,除了蘭陽平原的自然美景之外,宜蘭著名的特產、鄉野美食,也是老饕們的最愛,其中利用蘇澳冷泉做出來的「羊羹」、用木炭?酒店工作P甘蔗渣烘燻出來的「鴨賞」、經過燻製的「膽肝」、以金棗或李子醃製而成的「蜜餞」等,合稱宜蘭四寶。此外,牛舌餅,糕渣、肉捲、芋泥、棗餅等也都?辦公室出租O宜蘭知名的傳統美食。  除了傳統小吃之外,各鄉鎮也有自己獨特的美食,例如到礁溪,除了洗溫泉,還可以品嚐溫泉麻糬,以及當地居民利用泉水灌溉出來的溫泉蔬菜,如空心 辦公室出租菜、絲瓜、皎白筍等,別有風味。頭城的芋頭城冰店、羅東的林場肉羹、冬山的紅龜粿、米粉羹、蘇澳的筒仔米糕、鮮魚湯、三星的卜肉等都令人回味無窮。  宜蘭更有近來才興起的著名美食?保濕面膜A例如茶燻蛋和手工茶粿,許多人要到棲蘭山旅遊,都會買幾個茶燻蛋和茶粿當點心;還有一種全省獨一無二的香花大餐,將具有保健效果的香花,例如迷迭香、鼠尾草、百里香等入菜。 《轉載自中央網路報》 西裝外套  .

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          宜蘭旅遊~宜蘭員山可達羊場 位於宜蘭縣員山鄉蓁巷村蘭陽溪畔的可達休閒羊場飼養羊隻百餘頭,是宜蘭縣養羊產銷 膠原蛋白班的成員之一。  最近兩年為配合宜蘭?系統傢俱冗蒛橭[光事業發展,特別將羊場轉型為休閒產業,而將休閒與教育 烤肉結合農牧產業的特點,不僅吸引不少媒體節目前來採訪報導,也成為來宜蘭旅?建築設計C的遊客們體會農趣的最佳休閒場所。 羊場的高床牧場通風良好,沒有一般人印象中的羊羶味,環?住商房屋瓴蒱銦A羊隻定期檢疫,乾淨衛生的餐廳,每日供應各種新鮮營養的羊奶製品之外,還提供了戶外教學、牧羊體驗等休閒?保濕面膜w樂活動,讓來到蘭陽平原的賓客除了賞玩宜蘭的好山好水之外,也可以親自體驗到牧羊的各種情趣。 羊場的主人嚴國順、黃玉萍從 小型辦公室事牧羊 產業有將近二十年的豐富經驗,對於前來羊場參觀的來賓可親自解說完整的牧羊過程,其中包含羊的飼養方法以及介紹羊的品種、習性等 買屋。另外也 可預約學習製作各種羊奶製品,親自 DIY各種造型的羊奶饅頭、餅乾等。 看看這多有創意的造型DIY羊奶饅頭,還蠻好吃的喔! 有空的話別忘了自己親自 租房子來一趟宜蘭旅遊,享受一下悠閒的農場生活吧! 【可達休閒羊場 】 地址:宜蘭縣員山鄉蓁巷村惠深二路二段125號 手機:0919214691 電話:03-9225650 傳真:03-9225563 交?烤肉q路線:  .

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          How to Win Friends & Influence People How to Win Friends & Influence People PART ONE: Fundamental Techniques in Handling People Principle 1: Don’t criticize, condemn or complain. Try to understand people before you blame others. Because it is the human nature to defend oneself while one is defeated and criticized. Besides, you would be a loathsome person while you keep picking other’s fault or weakness. Principle 2: Be honest and sincere appreciation. If you want to get someone to do anything for you want, give others what they want first. What do people want? One of the most influential American philosophers, John Dewey said, “The desire to be important.” And Freud also called it “the desire to be great.” These two prominent thinkers point out the deepest and the ultimate desire of human. Most people want included: Health and preservation of life Food Sleep Mone 澎湖民宿y and the things that money will buy Life in the hereafter Sexual gratification The well-being of our children A feeling of importanceAccomplishment is our wants. If you meet someone who achieves his/her climax, he/she must have some traits are superior to me and worthy to learn. Everyone have his/her good points, and we should give out the praise out of our hearts and be sincere. Then the person whom you give compliments to will remember your kindness and appreciate it all his/her life. Principle 3: Arouse in the other people an eager want. Find out what people really want and give it to him/her and you will get twice or three time sweeter benefits from them. Do not neglect the importance of self-expression. PART TWO: Six Ways to Make People Like You Principle 1: Become genuinely interested in other people Everybody likes 西裝外套 to be complimented, of course, sincerely. That is to say, if you are interested in someone, you must more or less have some admiration for him/her. Therefore, to be admired and interested is a glad thing as to be respected. In other words, you are interested in the other people and he/she will be happy to be respected and be important. Principle 2: Smile. Smile is the universal language. You cannot be angry with the person who always wears smile. Principle 3: Remember that a person’s name is to that person the sweetest and most important sound in any language. Remember one’s name can pull the distance of each other closer. Once you call out one’s name, that one would feel special and unique. So, remember your clients’ names can make your relationships tightened. Principle 4: Be a good listener. Encourage others to talk about themselv 澎湖民宿es. People have the needs to express themselves and the needs to be understood. If you want to know one more, let him/her talks. In doing so, you can take the advantages of knowing things better. Principle 5: Talk in terms of the other person’s interests. Talking in terms of the other people’s interests benefit both sides and get wider knowledge from every speech. Principle 6: Make the other person feel important—and do it sincerely. Talk to people about themselves and they will listen for hours. People have the desire of being important and being understood. After all, human is the subject species. PART THREE: How to Win People to Your Way of Thinking Principle 1: The only way to get the best of an argument is to avoid it. When one yells or scolds, there is no communication. Under this circumstance, fighting and quarrel are 租辦公室not efficient at all, because usually the words are irrational. Therefore, the best way to prevent argument is to avoid it. Principle 2: Show respect to other person’s opinions. Never say, “You’re wrong.” The easiest way to destroy the trust in a good relationship is to hurt the other’s pride. While you are saying “You’re wrong,” you are also hurting one’s self-respect. It is the human nature to defense himself, even strike back when he gets attack, so as the verbal attack. In order to maintain a fine relationship, we must respect other’s opinions and feelings. Principle 3: If you are wrong, admit it quickly and emphatically. There is nothing more courageous in the world than admitting one’s fault. Admitting one’s fault somehow means denying oneself. However, yielding can get you more. If you have done something wrong, admit it immediately and, surprisingly, people will forgi 好房網ve soon you than you expected. Principle 4: Begin in a friendly way. Decrease the number of your enemies is to increase the number of your allies. Lincoln said, “A drop of honey catches more flies than a gallon of gall.” Principle 5: Get the person saying “yes, yes” immediately. Try to see things from other’s point of view and keep people say “yes.”  Try to get other’s sympathy, and do not argue with them. Then, after he/she agrees with you and keeps saying “yes,” you can persuade him/her. Principle 6: Let the other person do a great deal of the talking. People like to share and even boost when they get certain accomplishment. Be a patient listener, and let other do the speech. People will like your modest and kindness of listening. Principle 7: Let the other person feel that the idea is his or hers. Nobody likes to be commanded to do a thing. We 賣屋prefer to work out by our own methods, because the idea is ours. If you wan to influence other, help him/her in the process of thinking but leave the conclusion to him/her. In doing so, you can get the result you want and you seem not be any threat to anybody. Principle 8: Try honestly to see things from the other person’s point of views. Be objective and considerate Principle 9: Be sympathetic with the other person’s ideas and desires. If you want to win other’s friend ships, be sympathetic with others and he/she would regards you as his/her friends. Principle 10: Appeal to the nobler motives. To regard every one is honest, upright and fine. People will react as the way you expected on them, because they want to be good in front of others. Principle 11: Dramatize your ideas. Arouse other’s interests and make your thoughts and ideas vivid which won’t make other feel bored to dea 房屋買賣th. Principle 12: Throw down a challenge. It is the challenge of the jobs get people work, because one must prove himself/herself in doing difficult tasks. It’s the deep desire of human to win, to excel, and to prove. Therefore, throw down a challenge, and your employees will do it better. PART FOUR: Be a Leader: How to Change People Without Giving Offence or Arousing Resentment Principle 1: Begin with praise and honest appreciation If you must find fault, give praise first because it will hurt less. The person who makes a mistake knows well, so it is no use to blame him/her severely. However, if you comfort him/her first, then discuss the problem gently, he/she will thank for your kindness all his/her life. Principle 2: Call attention to people’s mistakes indirectly. Saving other people’s face and try not to harm other’s self-respects. Principle 3: Talk about your own mistakes befo 永慶房屋re criticizing the other people. Show modest and polite to the others before criticizing. It proves you have the tolerance of mistakes and it is not a shame. After all, every one makes mistakes, don’t you? Principle 4: Ask questions instead of giving direct orders. Use polite inquiries to ask people instead of commands. No one likes to be ordered, because it shows the higher hierarchy to command. Be sympathetic, and people would like to share and help. Principle 5: Let the other people save face. “Hurting a man’s dignity is a crime.”  It is not important what I see the others, but is what the other sees himself/herself. To hurt one’s pride is the most dangerous thing to destroy a relationship. Principle 6: Praise the slightest improvement and every improvement. Be “hearty in your approbation and lavish in your praise.” Praise is more useful than scold, because people (even children and animals) will prove 21世紀房屋仲介 their good sides harder. To do this to your employees will get much rewards than you anticipated. Principle 7: Give the other person a fine reputation to live up to. Same theory as saving other’s face. People want to live by a good name and want to be liked by everyone. If you wan to change other’s bad attitude, praise his/her good points more, and he/she will gradually become the way you like. Principle 8: Use the encouragement. Make the fault seem easy to correct. If you want to help others in improvement, use praise to help. Never give the negative words or methods to let him/her give up. Principle 9: Make the other person happy about doing the thing you suggest. Provide the chances of discovering to others. It will help to build one’s self-confidence and arouse one’s motivation to contribute to the company. Bibliography: How to Win Friends & Influence People by Dale Carnegie Published by: Pocket Books 室內設計  .

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          英國最新研究發現,成人每看一小時電視,將減少廿二分鐘壽命 英國最新研究發現,成人每看一小時電視,將減少廿二分鐘壽命 【時報-外電報導】一項最新研究發現,成人每看一小時電視,將減少廿二分鐘壽命;若 每天平均看電視六 網路行銷小時,則一生將折壽五年。 這項發佈在英國《運動醫學雜誌》(Journal of Sports Medicine )的研究報告主 要針對專注看電視、眼睛盯著螢幕,不做其它活動的人。 膠原蛋白 這項研究由澳洲昆士蘭大學人口健康學院進行,對象是一萬一千名廿五歲以上的成年 人。研究發現,看電視久坐不動加上可能養成的不良飲食習慣,對人體健康影響遠超過一 般想 宜蘭民宿像。領導這項研究的維爾曼博士(Lennert Veerman)指出,看電視對健康的危害跟抽菸 、糖尿病一樣嚴重。 每天運動15分鐘 可多活3年 【聯合報╱記者陳俐君/台北報導】2011.08.17 03:10 房地產 am 每天快走或慢跑十五分鐘,就可多活三年。國家衛生研究院與國立台灣體育大學針對台灣民眾的大型研究,顛覆了國際間提倡每次運動卅分鐘、每周運動一百五十分鐘,以及國內的「運動三三三」建議。懶人量力動一 商務中心動,延壽健康不是夢。這篇昨天登在英國「刺胳針」(The Lancet)期刊網路版的論文,是由國衛院客座研究員暨中國醫藥大學名譽講座教授溫啟邦研究團隊,與體大教授衛沛文共同研究。分析一九九六年至二○○八年間,共四十一萬六千 褐藻醣膠一百七十五人的健檢報告,每個個案平均追蹤八年。研究團隊針對受訪者填寫的「健康問卷」,把個案分成不運動、低運動量、中運動量、高運動量與非常高運動量等五類,將各類組與「不運動組」進行危險比較,並算出平均餘命。溫啟邦表示,比起不運動的 租辦公室人,每天運動十五分鐘者,平均壽命可多三年,癌症死亡風險少一成,心血管疾病死亡風險少兩成,總死亡率也降低了一成四。另外,養成每天運動十五分鐘習慣者,運動量每增加十五分鐘,就可再減少百分之四至六的死亡率;相對地,不運動者的總死亡率高了一成七,但若 信用卡代償願意改變生活習慣,開始每天運動十五分鐘,就能減少六分之一死亡率。溫啟邦指出,每天運動十五分鐘的優點,不限年齡、性別,統統適用;對患有心血管疾病、代謝症候群等慢性疾病患者,或是吸菸、肥胖者,一樣有很好效果。他並提到,有每天運動卅分鐘習慣的吸菸者,總死亡率相當於 建築設計不吸菸卻不運動者,因此除了戒菸,還要每天運動。溫啟邦提到,國外已有不少研究證實,少於卅分鐘運動,有益健康,但首度進行大規模定量分析是第一次。他表示,國內廿五至四十四歲的青壯年最不愛運動,愛運動的馬總統,應號召全民培養運動習慣,每天十五分鐘,就能提升健康。   James  土地買賣  .

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          陳水扁成為台灣首位遭聲押前總統 陳水扁 陳水扁成為台灣首位遭聲押前總統 記者: 張永泰 台北2008年11月11日 台灣前第一家庭涉及的海外洗錢案星期二齣現突破性進展,台灣前總統陳水扁由於涉及貪污,遭到特偵組 術後面膜聲請羈押,陳水扁成為台灣第一位遭到聲押的前總統。台灣最高檢察署特偵組星期二第5度傳訊前總統陳水扁,經過6個多小時的偵訊,檢察官認為,陳水?房屋出租饈A及貪污,嫌疑重大,並且有串證之虞,於是向法院聲請羈押禁見,陳水扁成為台灣第一位被檢方聲押的前總統。陳水扁走出特偵組時,高舉著銬上手銬的雙手,並且高喊 票貼政治迫害、司法迫害以及台灣加油。*涉及一系列弊案*根據了解,陳水扁涉及貪污的案子包括國務機要費案以及扁家洗錢案所衍生的南港展覽館案、龍潭購地岸、企業匯款扁家案,以及機密外交 九份民宿經費案等。針對陳水扁遭到檢方聲押,國民黨方面表示,這是遲來的正義,不過,仍然大快人心,國民黨立委李鴻鈞說:“如果要讓政治穩定,大家比較好睡覺的話,陳水扁羈押起來,能讓全國老百姓有個好 網路行銷眠。”不過,民進黨方面則批評,馬英九政府執政5個月,卻出現了台灣主權喪失,民主倒退,人權遭到踐踏的現象,陳水扁被檢方聲押就是最好的說明,民進黨立委賴清德說:“我相信,他(陳水扁)高舉的雙手,帶著受銬的雙手 房屋出租,無異是和社會大眾宣告,他下一波針對司法改革,社會改革的決心。”值得一提的是,陳水扁星期二在前往特偵組之前公開表示,他是國民黨和共產黨兩黨的頭號戰犯,也是國共兩黨要走向統一的最大阻礙。陳水扁說,海協會會長陳雲林來臺 宜蘭民宿遭到抗議,回到北京之後非常生氣,馬英九為了向共產黨交代,所以才會將他抓起來。陳水扁說,成為平息中南海高層怒氣的祭品,他非常的驕傲可以扮演這樣的角色。事實上,陳水扁在星期一晚間就先召開了記者會,並預告自己將被收押。他說,他等?信用卡代償o一天已經很久了,也早就有心理準備,陳水扁說,現任總統要收押卸任總統,他求仁得仁、夫復何求。不過,總統府發言人王鬱琦則駁斥指出,總統府不會對陳水扁的司法案件做出評論,馬英九總統也沒有表示陳水扁前總統應該收押。 台灣警方星期二動員了3千警力,將特偵組附近的?室內裝潢D路管制起來,警方表示,主要是為了防止支援和反對陳水扁的群眾前來聚集,引發可能的衝突。台灣前第一家庭涉及的洗錢案,偵辦至今,特偵組已將陳水扁等15 人列為被告,目前有8 個人聲押獲准。 關鍵字排名  .

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          緬甸軍方實施清剿行動 軍人凌辱少數民族 光天化日下,緬甸軍政權部隊任意集體屠殺的克倫邦克倫族兒童 (<<<<更多緬甸軍政權於克倫邦的滔天大罪>>>>) 緬甸軍方實施清剿行動 軍人凌辱少數民族 星島環球網 關鍵字行銷 2007/02/13【星島網訊】緬甸軍政府在少數民族地區採取的清剿行動使當地民眾受盡淩辱,據“喀倫婦女組織”日前發表的報告指出,緬甸軍人對喀倫族婦人的強姦、 吳哥窟折磨、謀殺等罪數以千計。  據中國時報報道,“喀倫婦女組織”在一份名為“恐怖國度”的報告中列舉了自1981年迄今的959個案例,同時指出還有其他數以千計的各種淩虐案例。報告指出“強姦一直 禮服是淩虐、威嚇、屈辱少數民族的方法”。   報告列舉了一個“典型”案例,四名軍人進入一個村莊後,輪暴了一名二十歲的喀倫族婦人慕伊,事後更將子彈射進她的陰道而使她斃命。  報告指出,婦女孩童都被驅 室內設計使為奴工,被迫離開家園。婦女經常被輪暴,有些還遭殺害,犯案士兵都不會受到懲處。因為按照過去慣例,緬甸政府對於類似的指控都一概否認。   “喀倫婦女組織”發表的報告恰值緬甸軍政府成立16週年之際。儘管緬甸國家和平與發 新成屋展委員會主席丹瑞大將12日還發表聯邦節賀詞,敦促國民加強民族團結。但外界媒體報道,丹瑞領導的政府實施的軍權統治,已導致民族的分裂。  據報道,與軍政府對抗多年的撣族領導人姚色克(Yawd Serk)日前宣佈,他將與軍政府繼續對抗,“戰到?買房子@兵一卒”。據悉,撣族與緬甸軍政府之間的對抗已長達48年,未來也將繼續下去,姚色克說,絕不放棄脫離緬甸爭取獨立的夢想。 緬甸數千克倫人為避戰亂逃離家園 兩百難民赴泰國 星島 住商房屋環球網 2006/12/01【星島網訊】美國“人權觀察”組織11月30日發表聲明稱,緬甸東部克倫邦約有三千人因為躲避軍隊的襲擊被迫逃離家園,這些平民正在四處尋找食品和避難所,另有兩百名克倫邦人長途跋涉到了泰國邊境的難民營。  美國之音報道,人權 澎湖民宿觀察聲明稱,緬甸軍方對“克倫全國聯盟”反叛組織發動的長達一年的進攻使2.7萬名平民背井離鄉,至少有45人死亡。據悉,在最近的動亂中,已有七名村民被殺害,導致1400多人逃離家鄉。  人權觀察的聲明還稱,自1996年以來,緬甸東部地區已經有三千多個村莊遭到破壞或是被遺棄,導致一百多萬人流 節能燈具離失所。人權觀察呼籲緬甸政府結束對克倫族村民的襲擊,並停止一切導致人們逃亡的活動。   據悉,克倫邦共有大約150萬人,平均人口密度為每平方英里117人。平原較多的巴安和高加力鎮人口密度相對較大,山區人口密度較小。克倫邦大部分為克倫族,南部鎮區為平原克倫,北部鎮區為山區克倫,也是緬甸最為貧窮 烤肉的地區。  .

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          西班牙獨特的反恐策略與成效 ( 李黎明 ) 自一九六○年代開始,西班牙國內即面臨「自由祖國巴斯克」(Basque Fatherland and Liberty)的反恐戰鬥,簡稱「埃塔」(ETA)。巴斯克是位於西班牙與法國兩國邊境的自治省,當地居民訴求獨立並採取暴力行動以達此目的。因此, 法、西兩國共同合作來打擊邊境巴斯克恐怖分子。長期以來,西班牙只有國內的「埃塔」恐怖組織勢力,但「九一一事件」之後,又增加了幾個與「基地」組織 (Al-Qaida)有某種程度關聯的伊斯蘭「聖戰」「Jihad」組織。      敘利亞裔西班牙人,伊馬德.亞卡斯為「基地組?票貼插v西班牙分支頭目,涉嫌參與了二○○四年三月十一日發生在西班牙馬德里火車站連環列車爆炸案的「三一一」恐怖襲擊,他連同二十四名「基地」組織恐怖嫌疑犯在西班牙接受審判,是歐洲史上最大規模的反恐案件。遭受恐怖組織威脅主要原由     西班牙國內遭受巴斯克「埃塔」恐怖組織攻擊的原因,主要是因為其分離主義的訴求。西班牙北部的自治區,由三個小省組成,人口二一○萬,面積七二六一平方公 里,東北與法國接壤。從歷史與語言學來看,巴斯克人的確是一個獨立的民族與使用自己語言 信用卡代償,這也是「埃塔」成員視為其獨立建國的基礎。它是被羅馬人同化最少 的倖存者,但是巴斯克人的祖先及語言到底從何處而來,尚有爭議。     「埃塔」成立於一九五九年,該組織主張採取暴力路線追求獨立,在西班牙北部與法國南部巴斯克人居住的地區成立一個獨立的國家,但這一主張遭到西班牙和法國 的反對。一九七八年,西班牙與法國簽訂聯合反恐協議,兩國政府與警方也多次進行聯合行動共同打擊恐怖活動。經過多年的抗爭,「埃塔」的確成功為巴斯克爭取 到比其他自治區還要好的待遇,包括擁有自己的議會 烤肉、員警、教育及租稅。但是,這些都無法讓巴斯克人放棄暴力路線。     雖然在二十世紀的後半葉,歐洲一直是各種現代恐怖主義的發源地與活動場所,但歐洲受到來自世界其他地區恐怖主義的威脅並不大,而且經過三十多年的反恐治 理,本土各類恐怖活動也相對有所緩解。然而,二○○四年「三一一」恐怖攻擊事件,顯現了屬於「聖戰」運動與「基地組織」的國際恐怖勢力滲入到歐洲地區。不 僅是西班牙有史以來所遭受最慘重的恐怖襲擊,而且在歐盟成員國中也是最嚴重的。反恐政策制定與作為     在歐盟的架 找房子構下,西班牙政府決定採取一切法律手段建設法治、民主、先進的西班牙反恐模式。依據該國檢察總長的說法,該模式有下列幾個基本觀點:     打擊恐怖主義沒有固定的規則,唯有嚴格適用國內及國際法,任何除了法律以外的其他解決手段都將會產生相反的作用;求助暴力解決爭端在任何情況下都不能得到 政治上的認可和理論上的合法化;國際恐怖主義是全人類共同關心的重大問題,要有效打擊二十一世紀新型國際恐怖主義需要國際社會的攜手合作。     易言之,在西班牙,打擊恐怖主義並不被當做是一場戰爭,而是被視為刑事 網路行銷犯罪,因而最有效的手段還是刑法和法庭。西班牙國家高等法院的中央集權化、專業化的優勢,以及適用普通犯罪的證據規則、保障辯護權、無罪推定等訴訟規則,同樣可以提高打擊恐怖主義犯罪效力。     除了反恐政策的獨樹一幟,成立於一九七八年的西班牙「反恐特別行動小組」 (GEO),亦被視為當前世界反恐的精英部隊之一。     GEO的任務為:因應恐怖和犯罪行動;支援員警部隊和皇家衛隊對付恐怖分子和犯罪組織;支援其他執法機構以確保國家或重大國際活動的安全;保護本國和外國重要人物的安全;保護西班牙外交人員在國外的活動?訂做禮服F處理人質事件、暴動和監獄騷擾。     西班牙政府並積極防範恐怖分子進入金融機構破壞,並以強制性的法律與情報掌控打擊恐怖分子的財源。西班牙政府與美國共同主持了「經濟合作組 織」(OECD)對恐怖組織洗錢犯罪,同時也是八大工業國反恐行動組織的成員,並對其他國家提供技術援助以建立制度,防止恐怖份子籌措資金與洗錢行為。西 班牙且與法國共同計畫,在摩洛哥合作建立一個金融情報單位。二○○七年七月,西班牙政府逮捕了兩名涉嫌洗錢與籌措恐怖主義資金的敘利亞人。此外,西班牙也 提供了七百名成員,支援加入在阿富汗由北約領導的「國際安全援助部隊」。反恐行?房屋貸款妏篕琱圻車?nbsp;    關於「埃塔」的活動,幾年來有一些轉折變化。「埃塔」在一九九八年九月十八日,單方面宣布停火並展開談判,但不到兩年,二○○○年「埃塔」再度拾起暴力路 線,停止談判。二○○六年三月,民意再度迫使「埃塔」走上談判桌,並發表永久停火聲明(per-manent cease-fire),承諾將循北愛爾蘭談判的模式(Good Friday Process)與政府進行談判。此舉當時贏得高達八成左右的民意支持度。然而和平卻是如此的脆弱,十二月馬德里機場一處停車場的汽車爆炸案又將「埃塔」 打回原形。次年六月,「埃塔」撤銷停火聲明。總理薩帕德羅自(Jose Luis Rodriguez Zapatero)二○○四年上 開幕活動任以來,希望積極與其談判的期盼也隨即幻滅。     之後,兩位「埃塔」高層領導人,包括政治領導人培納(Javier Lopez Pena) 和軍事領導人阿斯皮亞祖(Mikel Garikoitz Azpiazu),分別於二○○八年五月及十一月在法國南部被逮捕。部分觀察家認為,「埃塔」有可能因此被迫放棄暴力路線,轉向妥協。西班牙總理薩帕德羅 在接受BBC訪問時說:「今天,ETA已減弱,西班牙的民主已更牢固」。但他也承認,「埃塔」依然是個威脅。     關於伊斯蘭聖戰運動方面,薩帕德羅則提出自己的反恐觀點。認為反恐戰必須在多邊架構進行,以及反恐戰必須尊重並遵守人權與法律的規範。對於歐盟與聯合國而 借貸言,似乎也都希望以西班牙的模式對抗恐怖主義。謀求多元共識執行任務     西班牙的反恐政策有其獨自的國情特色與因應方式,因此也必然呈現該國特有的全球戰略思維。同樣的,歐盟以其聯合歐洲的角色,勢必會形成以折衷協調、各方均 可接受的指導原則為基礎,進而展現具體的執行方案。由是觀之,在全球性的反恐議題中,隨著美國採取多邊主義概念促進區域安全,謀求多元共識執行反恐任務將 成為必然的解決方案。(本文由台灣戰略研究學會執行長李黎明寫作,刊登在青年日報2009.4.3,版7) .msgcontent .wsharing ul li { text-indent: 0; } 分享 Facebook Plurk YAHOO! 結婚西裝  .

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          Investment Guide of Estonia (Part 2) 7. Environmental Law On past years Estonia has passed the environmental reform. Estonian objective was to access the European Union (EU) and thereby has committed to transpose the EU’s environmental acquis. Transformations are based on EU’s environmental legislation and principles of modern environmental law. Environmental permitsEnvironmental quality requirements establish the requirements for environmental components and maximum tolerances for source of pollution, such as noise level, vibration, radiation, and lees.Emission requirements are imposed to waste water and to vehicle exhaust gases.Technology requirements are mostly imposed in areas with obvious environmental risks, for example filtration and cleaning devices. Environmental permits may be segmented or integrated. Segmented permits will depend on which environmental elements will be affected. For example waste permits, water permits, atmosphere air pollution permits and etc. are issued. Segmented permits are issued in accordance with legal acts regulating the corresponding field of activity.Bases and procedure for issuing the integrated environmental permit is established in Pollution Prevention and Control Act (forced 01.05.2001).Integrated permit is required for the below-listed activities: production of electricity, energy, fuel and coke; refining of liquid and gaseous fuel and carbonisation of soli 節能燈具d fuel; production and processing of metals; processing of mineral materials; chemical industry; waste management; pulp, paper, textile industry and tanning; food industry; animal rearing; surface treatment and finishing using organic solvents; production of plywood and fibre board; production of carbon (hard-burnt coal) and electro graphite by means of incineration or graphitisation; disposal or recycling of animal carcasses and animal waste. Application of integrated permit should be submitted to local County Environmental Department. Application should contain the information specificated in Pollution Prevention and Control Act. Environmental authority’s decision to give out the environmental permit should be based on principles of prevention, assessment of environmental impact, best available techniques and legislative requirements. Environmental authority may refuse to issue the permit if the nature of activity does not enable to follow the environmental standards, is not accordance with law or false information is presented. The Pollution ChargeThe objective of establishing a pollution charge is to prevent and reduce possible damage caused by the release of pollutants or waste into the environment. The pollution charge shall be paid for the release of pollutants and waste specified in Pollution Charge Act in 裝潢to the environment. The pollution charge is not imposed if pollutants or waste are released into the environment: in quantities or in a manner for which a permit is not required; due to force majeure; to prevent pollution on an even larger scale or an accident which may cause loss of life. The owner of an immovable shall pay the pollution charge if pollutants or waste are released into the environment from the immovable of the owner according to the wishes of the owner. If the owner of the structure releases pollutants or waste into the environment from land used on the basis of a right of superficies by a superficiary or from land adjacent to a structure as a movable, the obligation to pay the pollution charge shall also apply to such superficiary or owner. 1. Foreign Direct Investment Sound and liberal economic policies and excellent business climate has ensured a continuous growth of foreign direct investment (FDI) into Estonia. During the last 15 years Estonia has been one of the leading countries in Central and Eastern Europe in terms of inward investment per capita. Numerous foreign companies have found Estonia to be a highly attractive location. Companies partly or wholly owned by foreigners account for one-third of Estonian GDP and over 50 percent of the country’s exports. FDI by Activities and Countries By the end of 2006, the cu 九份民宿mulative stock of foreign direct investment in Estonia amounted to EUR 12.39 billion. 45.5 percent of those FDI has been invested in financial intermediation, followed by manufacturing (14.0 percent) and real estate, renting and business activities (13.2 percent). The Scandinavian countries are the biggest source of foreign direct investment in Estonia. Sweden tops the list of investing countries with 51.4 percent of the total, followed by Finland with 21.2 percent and the UK with 3.1 percent. 2. Labour Market Average monthly gross salary by job families, 2006 (EUR) Tallinn Other regions Engineering (management) 1 600 - 2 200 1 300 - 1 900 Engineering (technology and processes) 700 - 1 200 500 - 1 000 Engineering (equipment) 700 - 1 000 500 - 1 000 IT - Software Programmers 700 - 1 800 Secretaries 400 - 700 Blue collar workers 400 - 500 300 - 400 Source: Fontes, Estonian Salary Survey 2005 3. Real Estate Market Purchase and Leasing of Property by Foreign Citizens or Foreign Companies Foreign citizens and foreign companies may purchase any property (apartments, houses or buildings) without restrictions. Foreign companies and individuals also have the first option to buying the land under the buildings they have acquired. Office, Retail and Industrial Pr 土地買賣emisesThere are no restrictions for the lease of buildings and rooms. Nor are there any procedural peculiarities. Rents are usually fixed and not indexed, therefore the term of lease is relatively short. Costs for electricity, heating, etc are customarily excluded from rent and have to be paid by the lessee.Indicative range for rents in major towns of Estonia, class A and B premises (EUR/m2 per month) Type of Space Tallinn Tartu Parnu Narva Office 10 - 15 4.5 - 12 5.1 - 10 3.2 – 8.3 Retail 8 - 45 5 - 32 5 - 16 6.3 – 19 Industrial 2 - 6.5 0,6 - 3 0,6 - 3.8 1 – 4.5 Source: Arco Vara, Tallinn 2006 Example: operating costs in Tallinn For private consumer For industrial consumer Electricity 0,056 – 0,096 EUR/kWh 0.035-0.066 EUR/kWh + ampere based fee EUR 0.2/A/month Gas 0.19 - 0.3 EUR/m3 0.14 EUR/m3 Water 0.8 EUR/m3 1.98 EUR/m3 Wastewater 0.66 EUR/m3 1.45 - 3.1 EUR/m3 Source: Eesti Energia, Eesti Gaas, Tallina Vesi* VAT included Industrial ParksThe recent trend in industrial property market are industrial parks. There is less and less industry in central city of Tallinn, manufacturing companies and factories are moving to the more suitable locations in outskirts or even farther.Tallinn and its immediate vicinity have three areas under development 土地買賣for manufacturing facilities and warehouses: Peterburi road, Parnu road in Laagri and Tartu road between the city boundary and Juri. The biggest industrial parks in and around Tallinn are Juri Industrial Park, Tanassilma Technological Village, Dvigatel Industrial Park, Keila Industrial Park and Lasnamae Industrial Park. The total areas of the parks vary from 30 to 80 hectares and companies can purchase grounds with areas from 2000 up to 23 000 square meters with purchase price around 25-35 EUR per square meter.Besides Tallinn also Tapa Industrial Park, Parnu Production Park and Tartu Science Park are the most promising projects. 4. Telecommunications & IT DevelopmentSignificant developments have taken place in Estonia in terms of telecommunication infrastructure, leading Estonia to be the most advanced of the CEE countries. Key points in IT & Telecom development in Estonia: e-Tax Board- Income Tax Statements can be filled out via Internet (since Spring 2001) 60% of population are using Internet and 80% Internet banking (Summer 2006) the Government is using web-based document system (since August 2000) all Estonian schools are connected to the Internet, as a result of state-run “Tiger Leap” program over 800 Public Internet Access Points there are 855 free wireless Internet zones around the country (Autumn 2006) e-billing (July 2000) mobile parking project (July 1, 2000) w 房屋買賣orld`s first MPS project for society (May 3, 2000) digital Signature Act came into force (December 2000) IT College (September 2000) ID card - new primary domestic identification document (January 2002) Look @ World project - the % of Internet users in Estonia should increase to over 90% (2001) Telephone, mobile communication and Internet In Estonia among 100 inhabitants there are 108.75 mobile phone subscribers and 51.92 Internet users. Internet banking services have experienced rapid growth. By the end of August 2006 there were over 1.3 Million Internet bank customers in Estonia. Internet banking has become a common channel through which a citizen performs cash transfers, pays taxes, pays for services, communicates with the tax board, etc. A wide range of services as Internet dial-up, ISDN, ADSL, WiFi or permanent and cable connections are offered. Percentage of users of ADSL is nearly twice as big as in Sweden. 13. Transportation Due to its favourable economic and geographical position, Estonia has become a transit gateway for east-west as well as north-south trade. Its location is ideal for the creation of efficient transportation links and distribution chains of goods and services for companies in Europe and in other parts of the world. Road Network The Estonian road network is comparable to that of the Nordic countries in terms of its density and quality. The infrastructure along the m 小額信貸ain highways has improved fast as modern gas stations and better roads have been built. The major road transport passages through the country are Tallinn-Narva (Russian boarder), Tallinn-Tartu-Russian boarder and Tallinn-Parnu-Latvian boarder. Rail System The total length of the Estonian railway lines in is 1200 km. 133 km is electrified. All bigger towns and centres are united through the railway network, which covers the whole mainland part of Estonia. This creates good prerequisites for the development both for passenger and freight transport on railway. So far, the percentage of the passenger transport by railway has been relatively small, but in the past few years it has shown some stable tendency of growth. Sea TransportThere are 64 ports along the coast of Estonia, 31 of them handle commercial shipping and are open to vessels from other countries. Port of Tallinn is one of the fastest developing ports in the Baltic Sea and an authority managing five harbours: - Muuga Harbour - main oil, dry bulk and container port in Estonia, max depth 18 m, ice-free- Old City Harbour - main passenger port in Estonia, max depth 10.7 m- Paldiski South Harbour - scrap metal, timber and roro port, max depth 13 m - Paljassaare Harbour - timber, oil, coal max depth 9 m- Saaremaa Harbour – passenger port Other Estonian seaports are Kunda (timber, cement), Sillamae (timber, metals, oil products),AS Parnu Sadam (timber, peat) and Paldisk 吳哥窟i Pohjasadam (timber, vehicles, containers Passenger traffic from Estonia to Finland, Sweden and Germany is organised by several companies and the amount of connections per day is increasing year by year. Air TransportTallinn International Airport, renovated in 1999 is open to international and domestic flights. International air links with most Scandinavian and European cities have been established. International flight companies such as SAS, Finnair, Lufthansa, EasyJet, etc are operating through Tallinn Airport. The Estonian national flight company Estonian Air operates five Boeing 737 and, from mid-2007, two SAAB 340. In 2006, Tallinn Airport handled 1,54 million passengers (+10% to last year) and 10 361 tons of cargo (+4,3%). It is possible to fly from Tallinn directly to 24 destinations. Estonian Air Cargo represents big European air cargo companies like Air France Cargo and Finnair Cargo. Direct flights by order from Tallinn to Norway, Denmark, England, France, Hungary, the Czech Republic, the Slovak Republic, Germany, Austria, the CIS countries, North Africa and other countries are offered by small private air companies. 14.Operating costs Operating costs include tariffs of electricity, gas, water and sewage, fixed line communications, mobile phone communications and data communications. Electricity and Gas Tariffs in Estonia For private consumers For industrial consumers Electricity 0,06 – 0,10 EUR/kWh + network 買屋網fees 0,03-0,10 EUR/kWh + network fees Gas 0.28 – 0.53 EUR/m3 price agreed Source: Eesti Energia, Eesti Gaas; VAT included Water and Sewage Tariffs in Estonia (EUR/m3) Narva Parnu Tallinn Private consumers Industrial consumers Private consumers Industrial consumers Private consumers Industrial consumers Water 0,33 0,83 0,67 0,67 0,91 2,2 Wastewater 0,46 0,98 0,98 0,98 0,73 1,6-3,4 Source: Narva, Parnu and Tallinn water companies; VAT included Fixed Line Telephone Tariffs (EUR/min): Elion Ettevotted Tele2 Elisa Call starting fee 0.03 (EUR) 0.03 (EUR) 0.03 (EUR) Ordinary calls 0,01-0,02 0,01-0,02 0,01-0,02 Calls to mobile 0,17-0,25 0,16-0,21 0,16-0,25 Calls to Sweden 0,06-0,22 0,05-0,19 0,06-0,19 Calls to Finland 0,06-0,22 0,05-0,19 0,06-0,15 Calls to the UK 0,12-0,32 0,10-0,26 0,13-0,27 VAT included 15.Main Industries in Estonia Wood processing Chemical industry Machine building and Metalworking industry Construction industry Construction materials Financial services Electronics industry Transport & logistics Biotechnology Call centres Food industry .msgcontent .wsharing ul li { text-indent: 0; } 分享 Facebook Plurk YAHOO! 酒店經紀  .

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          OPEC不增產 油價重回百美元 【陳智偉╱綜合外電報導】蘋果日報 原油與貴金屬連日創高,投資人暫時獲利了結,影響西德州原油期約價 術後面膜前晚挑戰新高不成,並一度急殺超過3美元或逾3%,跌破每桶100美元大 烤肉關,同時帶動金價回檔,不過市場高度預期,石油輸出國家組織(OPEC)會員國決定不增產?術後面膜A亞洲一波新買盤旋即又支撐油價重回100美元以上。 金價反彈至965美元 西德州原油期約價周二挑戰?禮服e1天創下的歷史新高103.95美元不成,最高只來到103.33美元,獲利了結賣壓於盤後電子交易出籠,行情直線下墜,最低一度 永慶房屋來到98.87美元,但亞洲盤短暫盤整後,旋即又重回100美元以上價位。與原油走勢正相關的黃金,現貨價也從每盎司980美元以上高價回檔,一 關鍵字廣告度跌破960美元來到957.06美元,隨後再隨著油價彈回,每盎司再來到965美元以上高檔。然而,包括商品投資大師吉姆?羅傑斯(Jim Rogers)在內多數市場分 室內設計析師認為,美元在聯準會(Fed)降息預期下,難改弱勢格局,OPEC也堅持不增產,原油、黃金後市仍看俏,獲利了結只是暫時,投資人還會逢低回補,維持一定部位,油價、金價 賣房子本周仍有機會創高。OPEC昨起在維也納舉行2天集會,但包括最具影響力的沙烏地阿拉伯在內,多數會員國都已表態不支持增產,不理會美國的增產要求。美國總統布希(George Bush)周二對OPEC喊話?商務中心磳隉AOPEC放任高油價拖累原油消費最大戶美國的經濟走疲是一項錯誤。 .msgcontent .wsharing ul li { text-indent: 0; } 分享 Facebook Plurk YAHOO! 室內裝潢  .

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          加速趕底 靜待反彈行情 蘋果日報 自營商操盤人日記昨日台股受到美股與亞股重挫影響,指數開低走低,再度大跌300點,不過,就盤面觀察,大盤經過連日盤整後,已達到?烤肉^幅滿足的要求,在融資多殺多及停損賣單出籠下,昨日大盤加速趕底,目前處於超跌階段,也加速讓 禮服投資人的持股信心更加不足。 目前台股最大的隱憂就是持股信心有待加強,建議投資人不要盲目殺低。 電子股是反轉關鍵 酒肉朋友 觀察昨日各類股表現,IC設計為近期暴跌族群,連帶造成LED(發光二極體)、太陽能及網通股跟著回跌,甚至連最強的面板族群都出現補?褐藻醣膠^,電子股幾乎哀鴻遍野;由於電子股是資金集中的族群,也是台股的信心所在,未來電子股若無法止跌反彈,台股就不會轉強。 年線8414買點佳 根據過去 關鍵字行銷經驗,指數出現急跌後就會有急彈,若大盤回測年線8414點,就是投資人的最佳攤平買點,雖然台股短期上漲的最大壓力區為9105點,但已有持股者不必太悲觀,盤面跌深就會反彈。 酒店工作目前季線扣抵9182點且持續走揚,對大盤助漲力道強,儘管指數跌破季線,但也意謂會有助漲力道,一般至少會反彈至季線位置,且反彈時間不會拖太久,本周就有機會看到,建議投資人可等反彈到?烏來溫泉u線附近再減碼。從昨日盤面也可看出反市場的操作盛行,目前操作難度相當高,股市變化的相當快速,不過,在全面下跌時仍有上漲與抗跌的個股,投資人仍可觀察最近上漲的個股,將是近期的強勢股。 傳產?房屋二胎搹n塑化橡膠 如面板股是可觀察的族群,而盤面操作則要觀察資金動向,選股注意10月營收較佳的族群優先承接,例如電子族群中IC封測、IC通路、面板、NB、PC、主機板、光學、PCB等,傳產股則為塑化、機電、橡膠等。在選股策略上, 借貸投資人也可挑選本益比低、股價低估者,以逢低承接主流族群。吳文彬口述 李亮萱整理 .msgcontent .wsharing ul li { text-indent: 0; } 分享 Facebook Plurk YAHOO! 酒店經紀  .

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